Project Safeguarding and Child Protection

Our Approach to Safeguarding

In every activity or project we undertake at Good Chance and Gecko, we are committed to ensuring that every person we work with can participate in a safe environment and with their human rights fully respected.

We are committed to:

SAFETY - Creating a safe and trusted, safeguarding-positive environment for everyone we work with.

EQUALITY - Promoting equality by treating everyone with respect and dignity and expecting this of everyone we work with.

OPENNESS - Encouraging anyone we work with who has a concern or worry to speak to a member of staff and share this concern.

INTEGRITY - Taking seriously anyone who expresses a concern and dealing with it sensitively, with clear explanation of process and outcome.

We recognise that our work on From Here On will engage directly with young people, children and adults at risk. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. We expect anyone engaging with From Here On - whether staff, volunteer, partner or participant - to actively prevent harm and abuse where possible.

Safeguarding Documentation

We are committed to ensuring that the key safeguarding documents are available for all young people, parents/carers, teachers and any other participants, volunteers, staff/freelancers, partners or others involved in the project. These can be downloaded at the links below:

Quick Reference Safeguarding Statement and Code of Conduct - a summary of safeguarding approaches for the project

Project Safeguarding Policy - full details of safeguarding and child protection procedures

Supplementary Documents

Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) Summary

Prevent Procedure

Lockdown Policy

From Here On has been created in partnership with